Tuesday 20 October 2015

EFT First Day

I had an awesome day today, woke up feeling bloody awful (So tired and barely able to or wanting to breath) as is usual lately, I thought I would have a cuppa tea, and go back to bed.... 
I opened facebook, and the first post, someone was suggestion I try EFT so I spent about an hour reading about it, and then watched and did 2 treatments, starting with this one below, the the breathing one after it.... and even though it seemed dumb, I started to feel a bit better.... 
I watched a few of the other EFT in that lot, then a lovely friend from Waikino came into town, picked me up and took me to her place for the afternoon, Oh, it was lovely, the longer I was there, the more I was energised, I got home with some lovely gifts, and a big bunch of fresh lavender flowers... and felt back to my old bubbly self. 
I went to visit my never neighbour, the ones that's interested in all the things I am. Had a cuppa and chat with her, shes good value that woman. 
Then the same Waikino friend dropped off a lovely set of drawers that I will add my special touch too... 
Then I went to visit the new butcher that has opened in Waihi, and come home with a lovely big pork hock, I will roast in the crockpot next week... The folks that own Waihi Meats are lovely, make sure you go see them if you are local. 
Then when I got home, another friend popped around to say hi, and dropped off some chook food.... 
Christine, Lomah Annie and my new neighbour, Thank you all for your parts of my day, I'm now have a lovely white sage scented soy candle burning, oh it smells like heaven to me. I'll have a coffee, and get to bed.... I'm happily knackered. 


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