Monday 26 October 2015

Lovely 1st visit with Christine

Another good day today, I didn't get to bed until about 4am, then since I was going to be picked up to visit a friend, after breakfast, I had the alarm on for 8.30. My friend postphone until after lunch, so I potted in the garden, giving it a water, and pulling up some beetroot I grew over winter, just for its leaves to eat, but surprisingly they had nice beetroot as well, so popped them onto cook. 

I was just saying a couple of days ago, there weren't many worms in the garden here.... there were about 10 under the beetroot... big fat worms too. Unfortunately, I was using a spade to did that dirt after I pulled them out, so I cut most of the.... ohhhh I hate doing that, so I picked up the worm parts, and gave them to the chooks.... those buggers made short work of those lovely but suffering worms. 

Anyway, I broke the leaves off the beetroot, and put the tops under the dirt where they had grown, now I know there are worms there. I'm going to have to acquire some horse poo, to get those darlings growing, and breeding for the summer. 

I did some washing and put it on the line, had a rest, and went to my friends how. Wow, she has a lovely home, and section, two large garages workshops. Anyone got 500 k they could give me to buy that house. smile emoticon You can come and stay for a week every year for the rest of your life. 

Anyway, we talked on many subjects, turns out last week I was reading an article she wrote about Waihi... she has 4 chooks as well, and makes a very nice apple cake using coconut and rice flours. It didn't make me feel blotted which as a nice change. 

Anyway, she has encouraged me to start writing again, and get going with my blog, so I wrote a post about my chooks, and feeding them... writing about things that are happening that day, is much easier than crap that happened 50 odd years ago. 

Since I have been home, I have been through my fb wall, and taken the brief nightly updates like this one, I have made in the past week or so, and added them to the blog, I will go through, and write longer more detailed versions. Plus do at least one post a day, as she suggest a few days ago, of at least 100 words. 

it will be nice to write about all the things I know about, maybe I could write about farming garden worms, or just what I learn day to day, to add to the filing cabinet in my mind. smile emoticon

Anyway, I got home from there, and feed the chooks with my wee mate Titan, he really is a cracker of a kid. He made my day with a comment he made today. 

I sliced up the cooled down beetroot, and made a vinaigrette for them, and they are soaking away happily now. 

I'm about to hit the hay, all this social butterflying around the place, has be totally worn out...

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