Friday 30 October 2015

Bikes, chooks and good deals.

've had a good morning, I didn't get to bed until 4.30, I considered staying awake since it was so close to day break, but then thought I could get 4 hours, so went to bed, telling myself, I had to be awake at nine, to show a friend where another friend lives.
I woke at 8.30 on the dot, first thing I did was look at the clock I brought yesterday, and it was actually telling the right time.... a vast improvement on the clock that has been in that space for the 8 months I have been here, it only showed the right time twice a day.
Anyway, I got up, put the jug on, took a bowl of cooked maize down to the chooks, heck, they just went ape over it, this is recipe for the maize brew.... I'll go add a couple tablespoons of molasses while you read and imagine it smile emoticon
I used the water and bones left over from the boil-up earlier in the week, and added a couple of bowls of maize, a big cup of wheat, some barley, and simmer that for a few hours, when the maize had softened, I added a whole bunch of cabbage and silver beet leaves and some leaves off the old broccoli plants.... and simmered them until they were cooked, along with some potatoe and kumara peels, again from the boil-up.
When it was all cooked, there was a lot of fluid, so I added some rolled oats and brown rice I have never got around to cooking since I have been here.... and let the brew cool down, while the rice and rolled oats adsorbed some of the boil-up water.
Once almost cooled, I used some of the water and milk kefir I have been neglecting while i was sick, to start the chook brew to fermenting, its been fermenting now overnight, Ok, I'm back, did you finish reading the recipe wink emoticon Well its bubbling away beautifully, and now with some blackstrap molasses I just added, a good teaspoon of Epsom salts and one of Himalayan salt, that chooks will be the healthiest around.... I tipped the whole brew into a plastic bucket, and got my young neighbour, Titans dad, to carry it out into the garage, to keep brewing until its all feed to the girls....
The girls are back to laying 3 eggs a day since I starting feeding them these maize boilup, and their little crops always look full.
I just counted and I have over 20 eggs there now, so if anyone wants some eggs from very happy chooks, I'll sell you some for $5 a dozen. And you can meet the chooks that laid them smile emoticon
Anyway, back to my good morning, a friend came around and picked me up, and we went to Waikino to pick up 3 adult bikes, that another friend wanted to get rid off.... she asked me if I knew of anyone that wanted them, and even though I don't know that many people in Waihi, one of the first people I met, is a lovely guy, if you follow my stories, he's the guy that has the still, and left the whiskey here yesterday, well that guy, just happened to ask me when I visited him a couple of weeks ago, if I knew of a mountain bike tyre rim... then about two weeks after that, the Waikino friend asked me if I knew anyone... So they are both pleased as Punch, my whiskey making mate fixes bicycles, and builds mopeds so is always looking for bike parts. Its the best feeling when you can help other people out huh.
when I got home, I feed the girls some fresh silverbeet, I was given while out this morning, then I noticed the rabbits over the gully were out playing, so sat with a cuppa, watched them with the binoculars, another friend gave me....
so by lunchtime, I have happily sunning themselves chooks,
I have a clock that actually works, the old clock I gave to a neighbour that's into making steampunk stuff, so she's a happy camper, By the way, if you are reading this, that big boilup pot will be washed and ready to come back to you soon smile emoticon
Also my bike giver and receivers friends are happy, the chook brew is fermenting happily, I'm relaxed and happy after watching the daily adventures of the almost suburban wild rabbits, and now the sun is shining, so the birds have come down, to catch worms for their babies.... and last but not least, my dishes are
all washed dried and put away....

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