Saturday 24 October 2015

Labour weekend Sunday 2015

I had another lovely day today, I did a wee bit of gardening 3 times during the day, I went to look for some comfrey, but the there is too much blackberry to get into the plants... :( 

But on the way home, I saw a house selling plants, and although I had no money, I called in to see what they had, and had a lovely surprise, the people selling the plants, were the people that used to have plants down the end of Rosemount Road, they sold that house, and are now much closer to town. 

They are a lovely old couple, and are selling not only herbs, but also ornamental plants, and vegetable plants. 

They have a good variety of plants, and unlike the big mitre 10 type places, all the plants are carefully looked after, still a perfect size for transplanting, and they all seem to have a story behind them, about the seeds the mouse got, or the seedlings that had a big snail heading towards them one night. Or the cuttings that took much longer to take root than they usually do. 

I came home, and someone offered to help me move the chook pen, so my girls have new grass to eat, they haven't been laying well recently, but tonight, there were 4 eggs again... so I put the tomahawk away again,

And finally, I actually went for a wee walk today, not far, but since I have only walked to the letter book for months now, down the road and around the corner and back was a big deal.

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