Wednesday 21 October 2015

Future Day for the movie Back to the Future

Well today is the "Future Day", that the movie Back to the Future, went to, Tim Roxborogh had a question on overnight talkback, what advice would you give yourself if you could go back to 1985.
I rang in and said, I would tell myself not to answer the phone, on Christmas Eve 1994, the day that I ran to answer the phone, and fell down the stairs and broke my back.... I have always been annoyed, that that phone call, was a wrong number.... but thinking about it since I rang Tim, 
If that call had of been a Friend calling, that would have been worse, 
1. What if you were that friend, and know how drastically it changed my life... 
2. I believe I would have found it very hard to totally forgive you.
I actually do have two facebook friends I knew back then, one in particular, it would have been horrible if she rang me....
So what advice would you have given yourself, if you could go back to 1985?

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