Friday 30 October 2015

Trip to Hamilton

Last night, a friend asked me if I wanted to go to Hamilton for a drive today, I said, I'm broke again, but would love to go. she is a most interesting person to talk with and we have a good time together.
I had to drop off another pot of pain relief cream to Leo at the Dutch cheese shop in Waihi, and something told me, take a second pot with you...
My friend was about 15 minutes late to pick me up, and I just sat in her car, when a car stopped on the other side of the road and waved at me... it was a woman from up the road, they has brought cream off me for her partners back-back pain, I got out of the car, and went to say hi, she called out, that she just wanted to let me know, she will come down and grab another pot.... she just so happened to have the money with her, so I sold her a pot right there and then....
Then when I went to the Dutch Cheese Shop, they had just sold a pot as well.... so suddenly, instead of being broke, I had some spending money... yahhh...
So we set off to Hamilton, talking about so many subjects from conspiracy theory's, which ones had validity and why, to idea's for writing blog posts, what we saw happening at the side of the road, and eft (tapping) and different things tapping could be used for, to heal yourself of various issues and illnesses one has in their life.
When we got to Hamilton Hospital, while she was away picking up her partner from their, I stayed in the car, and did tapping on several of the subjects we had discussed.
We went to a lovely place to have lunch, nice food and delicious smoothie, but gosh isn't eating out an expensive exercise....
We went and had a look around Davids Emporium, that place was around before I had my son, about 35 years ago, its still selling pretty much the same stuff, and the prices are still pretty good.... I bought a wall clock...
By the time we finished there, I was wiped out, so we came home, again talking all the way.
Yesterday when I went out to Thames, my back was giving me a hard time by the time I got home, and I was in pain, walking inside from the car parked right outside my door... but today, while waiting at the hospital, one of the things I did the tapping about, my back pain, and while I was very tired when I got home, I walked quite normally from the gate back to my little hobbit house, and instead of coming straight inside and having to sit down and lay in my recliner chair to recover, I popped in, turned the jug on for a cuppa, changed my shoes, then went straight out to the chooks, and cleaned out their nesting box.
The big red hen, was bossing the others around as usual, and the two lite brown hens I can't tell apart, told me, some had been to my place while I was away, and put 2 brown bottles just inside the door for me.... when I got back to the door, I had a look and sure enough, there is 2 x 40 oz bottles of homemade whiskey... I took of the lid of one, had a sniff, I love the smell of homemade moonshine and tasted a bit on the tip of my finger, (I can't stand the taste of strong alcohol) but from that taste, and remembering the days when I had my own stills... 7 different stills over the years.... I decided what strength it was.... that stuff is very strong lol... about 41% or 82% proof ...
I only wanted one bottle for a project I want to do... and no, I wouldn't bother drinking it myself, not as is anyway. So I have a spare bottle, but thats ok, its not like it goes off or anything, one day someone will want it, and I'll sell them some a handful of dry maize for $22.50 and they can have the bottle of whisky for free....
back when I had the various stills, I'd sell a carrot for $20 and give away a free bottle of whatever the person fancied, but inflation and all, carrots or maize prices are now that that bit more... wink wink smile emoticon
Anyway... Also, I now am the proud owner, of a very nice trendy looking, totally out of place, clock in the kitchen that actually WORKS?
The one that was hanging up out there has been there for about 8 months, not working, but every morning, and several times during the day, I look at the time on it lol... 5.04 so its right twice a day, so it wasn't totally useless. smile emoticon

reply to post...

Jackie B : You should make a tincture with it! smile emoticon I have heard of people making plantain tictures for pain. Do you all have plantain there?

Lynny Bishop I dunno about using whisky for a tincture, I suppose there is no reason my not, I generally do my herbal extractions with oil, since making into a cream or ointment it it has to mix with wax, I don't have a electric beater to use to incorporate liquids in oil and wax.... oh hang on I do, a friend gave me one of those stick blenders thingies the other day. If someone buys the... I mean acquires the bottle of whiskey, I will get a bottle of 190% proof of this guy, that would work better as a base for a tincture, thank you for the idea Jackie
Yes we have plantain here... I find bending down to pick it very difficult at the moment, But perhaps I could take my wee plastic chair with me, and sit on that and pick from that.... :)

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